Groupe Nduom will return more grounded - Kwesi Nduom


Groupe Nduom will return more grounded - Kwesi Nduom

Source: avea1tv

CEO of Groupe Nduom, Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom, has offered his thanks to individuals of Elmina for being behind him in his troublesome time.

The business big shot who hails from Elmina over the course of the end of the week joined his kin to commend the current year's Bakatue celebration.

In a concise message, Dr Nduom said, "It's been quite a while since I stood anyplace in Elmina or somewhere else in the nation like this. Perhaps a long time back when we traversed the country for the bank.

Groupe Nduom will quickly return more grounded - Kwesi Nduom

Individuals of Elmina commending their yearly celebration, Bakatue

"From that point forward, I have been living only in the USA for wellbeing and business reasons," he said.

The director of the organization, helping individuals to remember his difficulties by and by and businesswise, conceded that "it has been troublesome all around".

He added, "however I have trusted in my confidence, truth and difficult work. So we have never surrendered".

He said, "Bakatue likewise means another season and fresh starts. That is the very thing that I wish for everybody and Edinaman.

Groupe Nduom will return more grounded - Kwesi Nduom

Individuals of Elmina commending their yearly celebration, Bakatue

As per him, numerous he has met as of late have asked when Groupe Nduom would stand solidly on its feet once more and bring position back.

In his reaction to individuals' interests, he demonstrated that he and his group are working truly to take care of the issues the Groupe is encountering.

"We are really buckling down, tackling issues and petitioning God to remunerate our endeavors with progress. At the point when we succeed, Edinaman and the entire nation will profit from our prosperity," he guaranteed.

Labels: Bakatue Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom Elmina Groupe Nduom


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