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 9 Pastors to address inquiries on public worries

Date: Jun - 28 - 2022 , 09:31BY: Nana Konadu AgyemanCategory: Legislative issues

Alban Bagbin

Alban Bagbin

Nine Clergymen of state are planned to show up before the House this week to respond to inquiries on various issues verging on different public worries.

The priests are to answer 53 inquiries — two being dire and 51 orals — this week.

The pastors are the Clergyman of Terrains and Normal Assets, Samuel Abu Jinapor; the Priest of Neighborhood Government, Decentralization and Provincial Turn of events, Dan Botwe; the Pastor of Youth and Sports, Mustapha Ussif, and the Pastor of Wellbeing, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu,

The others will be the Pastor of Training, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum; the Priest of Transport, Kwaku Ofori Asiamah; the Clergyman of Streets and Parkways, Kwasi Amoako-Atta, as well as the Priest of Energy, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh.

This was spread the word about when the Larger part Boss Whip, Candid Annoh-Dompreh, introduced the business articulation for the 6th week finishing Friday, July 1, 2022.

Likewise showing up in the House this week will be the Clergyman of Energy, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, who was coordinated continuously Representative Speaker, Andrew Asiamah Amoako, to show up and brief the House on the advancements concerning the establishment of prepaid meters in the Krobo region.

Questions and replies

Per the business proclamation introduced all week long, Mr Jinapor will be in the House on Tuesday to answer some public and electorate explicit inquiries being pursued by his associate MPs.

They incorporated an inquiry by the Public Popularity based Congress (NDC) MP for Adaklu, Kwame Oversees Agbodza, who will want to find out whether the public authority necessarily procured landed properties that structure the site on which the Public House of God is being fabricated, and assuming this is the case, whether the public authority has completely repaid the past proprietors as legally necessary.

The priest will likewise give a solution to an inquiry by the NDC MP for Tempane, Lydia Lamisi Akanvariba, on the condition of the 5,000,000 trees established on June 11, 2021 on Green Ghana Day and what was the complete expense for the task as well as an inquiry by the NDC MP for South Dayi, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, on how much cash has been paid and to the number of confirmed petitioners that exist similar to the Tema - Akosombo - Mpakadan Rail line Venture is concerned.


Around the same time, two bills — the Ghana Hydrological Authority Bill, 2022, and the Expenses and Charges (Various Arrangements) Bill, 2022 — will be taken through thought stages for the third perusing on Wednesday.

Wednesday will see Mr Ussif, answering an inquiry by the NPP MP for Okaikwei South, Dakoa Newman, on when the Azumah Nelson Sports Complex, presently Youth Asset Focus of Greatness, will be finished as well as an inquiry by the NPP MP for Old-Tafo, Vincent Ekow Assafuah, on the advancement of the development of the College of Ghana Sports Arena for the 2023 Every single African Game.

Critical inquiries

On Thursday, Mr Agyeman-Manu, the Pastor of Wellbeing, and Mr Dery, the Inside Priest, will outfit the House with reactions to two critical inquiries remaining for the sake of the NDC MP for Keta, Kwame Dzudzorli Gakpey.

The MP will need to be aware from Mr Agyeman-Manu the actions taken by the Food and Medications Power to address the fallen guidelines of palm oil on the nearby business sectors, as well as from Mr Dery the means the service is taking to diminish the ethnocentric treatment dispensed to Maryam Sulemana by a movement official by name Wilson Dela Atieku at the Tema identification office.

The Priest of Schooling, Dr Adutwum, will likewise answer an inquiry by the NDC MP for Builsa South, Dr Merciful A. Apaak, assuming all the 766 basic senior secondary school projects — homerooms, eating corridors, residence, research facility — until now uncompleted, have been finished with the payment of the principal tranche of the $1.5 billion supported by Parliament in 2018

Dr Adutwum will likewise respond to an inquiry on what mediations the service is setting up to cook for the enormous number of understudies who get grades D7 and E8 in center subjects and subsequently can't acquire admission to colleges. This question remains for the sake of the NPP MP for Dormaa East, Paul Apreku Twum-Barimah.

In conclusion, Friday will see the NDC MP for Tamale Focal, Murtala Muhammed Ibrahim, asking the Vehicle Pastor whether appropriate acquisition regulations were continued in the honor of the agreement between the public authority of Ghana and Bleeding edge Wellbeing Administrations as well as the agreement between Bleeding edge Wellbeing Administrations and the Principal Atlantic Bank for the motivations behind gathering the charges for the Coronavirus tests at the air terminal 


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